Maryanne's Blonde Moments

Maryanne’s passion for music started way back in the sixties, when she was a hippy and used to follow  60s band around from gig to gig.

Never did she realise that so many years later she would be dragging her own band Blonde Moments around from gig to gig.

Maryanne loves country rock but can shed a tear at the “good old country songs.
Maryanne has performed with other bands at the festival over the years so it’s not new to her.
Her main aim is for the audience to have a great time, get up and dance or just sit back and listen.
Maryanne has won a few country music awards, has made a CD with 5 rock'n'roll tracks and only one country music track!!!!. A full country Music CD is in the making. (Husband Peter is pushing her on that!!!) Watch this space

The band for Paihia this year is Lead Guitar Barry Bowman (what we do without The Fonz!!!!), Alex Constable on bass, Graham Gibson on Rhythm and  Eden Bowman on drums.

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Eddie Low/PHOTO Donna Russell

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