Jonnie Mac

Day: Friday
Time Slot Venue
6:45 - 7:30pm DUKE HOTEL RUSSELL
Day: Saturday
Time Slot Venue
2:45 - 3:30pm HARURU FALLS
5:15 - 6:00pm DUKE HOTEL RUSSELL
Day: Sunday
Time Slot Venue
5:15 - 6:00pm COPTHORNE Waitaha

Jonnie Mac

COUNTRY SOUL/ROCK Fusion with a Gospel twist...Jonnie Mac was raised in the rural outback of Whangamomona New Zealand, a farmer's son, a song writer, A singer/musician with a love for music and a passion for people who like some Underground Original, Nostalgic, Quality Tunes from DOWN UNDER. Petrus Fourie is a young, talented Singer/song writer/musician from Capetown,South Africa.

Combined, an unstoppable, dynamic duet of quality music, soulful, pure voices, warm fuzzies to gritty grinds of great songs and solid fast, fun tunes, slow moody ballads and entertainment value that stops the crowds in their shoes...

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James Ray/PHOTO Donna Russell

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